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When is Enough Going to Be Enough?

Writer's picture: WhitneyWhitney

I had a completely different blog almost ready to post this week, but I can’t skip over what has happened. Here it is a week or so later, and I’m writing about another mass shooting. And this one involves elementary school children. Just let that sink in. At least 19 innocent children were murdered while trying to get their education during their last week of school. What will be the breaking point in this country?

Ten years have passed since Sandy Hook, and it’s still happening. America has shown that it is built on individualism, and most people are not willing to make any sacrifices for the betterment of the greater good. We’ve spent the last two years having to explain over and over to grown adults why they should wear a mask during a damn pandemic. And we are still tasked with trying to get gun-obsessed Americans to understand why better gun control is needed. We have so many people that cling to their right to possess firearms, and they hide behind the idea that they’re going to be a “good guy with a gun” in these situations. With bullets flying indiscriminately, it is highly unlikely that you will turn into Rambo. Your best bet is to run with everyone else. Cops even have a hard time stopping these maniacs, so what makes a regular person think they will fare any better?

No one is trying to “take yer guns.” We are simply asking for better regulation regarding who can purchase them. There should be mental health evaluations, proper training, and extensive background checks, and these evaluations need to be repeated yearly. There also needs to be a consistently updated database of gun owners in the country and fewer loopholes through gun shows and other events. These regulations need to be federal and should not be left up to the state to decide. You can’t have strict gun laws in one state and then have the ability to step over the state line and buy one with fewer regulations. And if the thought of stricter regulations makes you feel like you’re going to lose your gun, you probably need to.

We have the example of countless other countries that regulate gun purchases and ownership in a much stricter way (ex. Japan). We continue to be the only country where mass shootings happen so frequently, and the only argument against better regulation is, “Well, criminals will get guns anyway.” The US has seen over 200 mass shootings just this year. So, the answer is to do nothing? Most of these guys that commit mass shootings are not hardened criminals. They are sick, crazed individuals with unchecked mental health. Republicans refuse to vote for gun control and refuse to put more money into mental health. Where does that leave the citizens of this country? Scared and unable to freely enjoy simple things like going to the movies or the grocery store.

It was those children’s last week of school. They are supposed to be thinking about popsicles, riding bikes, watching their favorite shows, swimming, family trips, sunshine, and all the other wonderful things about summer break. And now they aren’t here, and their parents’ summers will consist of planning their funerals and grieving the loss of their precious lives. If that doesn’t stir your spirit and move you to action, nothing will. The good ol’ boys love to say how America is the greatest country in the world while simultaneously doing nothing to back that statement up. Enough is enough.

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4 comentarios

T Jones
T Jones
27 may 2022

It’s unfortunate that this is a constant battle & all certain individuals want to do is offer thoughts/prayers rather than stop guns from getting into the hands of individuals w/mental illness. The answer isn’t more guns… heck in GA, we don’t even need a permit anymore. And it’s scary because even if it isn’t someone with mental illness, it could be someone jumpy/easily scared & kills someone they thought was a threat. I don’t know it will take for others to open their eyes…

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JamieAdStories Writer
JamieAdStories Writer
26 may 2022

It is a sorry state of affairs when people don’t feel safe unless they own a weapon.

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25 may 2022

It’s a mental health crisis that is made 1000 more times worse by faulty, unregulated laws. I’m in mourning for the future and no prays are coming through my lips, only more advocating for parents to get their children Mental Healthcare NEEEOOOOOOOOWW!!!

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25 may 2022

This is just unacceptable. As a parent, sibling, aunt, daughter, and friend, I could not imagine having to get the news that a child with their entire lives ahead of them was murdered in school because some psychopath decided to murder children. I do believe in our right to protect ourselves and our family's. I also believe we need regulated restrictions. Yes, we should all pray. However, we have to vote with our prayers in mind. Vote for people who actually back what is truly important to you and your family's lives, not the person who has talking points/convo that have no effect on your actual lives. I am so sorry for the families of the baby's who were brutally…

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